5 Alterations Tips That Will Make Your Clothes Look More Stylish

5 Alterations Tips That Will Make Your Clothes Look More Stylish

Fabricare Center Blog

5 Alterations Tips That Will Make Your Clothes Look More Stylish

The secret to fashion isn’t in how mush you spend, it’s in how well the clothes look and fit. If you’re looking for ways to step up your style with the clothes you have or on a budget you have come the right place. These alterations tips are a great way to make almost any level of clothes fit like designer garments.

Here are 5 clothing alterations tips that will make your clothes look more stylish.


5 Clothing Alterations Tips


Hemming Your Pants

This one is a must do for any of your nice pants. Making sure the leg length fits you properly will not only keep from fraying the bottom of your pants, but will also make them look like they fit correctly. You can click here to get our full price list for this and other alterations services. And if you are not in the Atlanta area, we recommend checking around with your local cleaners.


Shorten Shirt Length

While sometimes we are lucky and find the perfect top with the perfect fit. That’s not always the case. If you have something that is just a little too long, shortening the length can give you a couture fitted look for a very reasonable price.


Replace Broken & Missing Zippers or Buttons

Nothing screams old hat more than missing or hanging buttons. Anytime you have to struggle with a zipper it’s never a good look while out on the go. So make sure to have any of your clothes, jackets, or pants buttons and zippers replaced or repaired. At our Fabricare Center locations we replace buttons for free with any dry cleaning.


Taper Your Trousers

Wanting that sleek silhouette look. One of the best ways to add this to your looks is by tapering your trousers and pants. This classy look and along with a hem will give your pants the perfect stylish look on you.


Hem Your Shorts

If you want to look in style this summer, don’t be caught wearing extra long shorts. The “short shorts” style is in. Save money by revamping your old shorts and have them hemmed. Or get a new pair to fit the perfect look.

If you’re in the Atlanta, GA area and interested in learning more about our clothing alterations. Click Here to contact us to schedule a call with one of our master cleaners!