Thank you for signing up for Fabricare's patio cushion cleaning! One of our customer service reps will be in touch with you soon to confirm your account.

If You Have Any Questions, Please Call Us:


What size cushion does this include?

This offer includes all size patio cushions and will be priced based on their size.

How many cushions can I send in at once?

You can send in as many cushions as you would like! There is no minimum to receive the discount.

Do I pay a service fee?

There are no additional fees for our pickup and delivery service.

How much is Pickup & Delivery?

Free! We provide our customers with always free pickup & delivery. This service is contactless and available on all dry cleaning and laundry services.

Can I use this with other offers?

No. This offer can not be combined or used with any discount or promotional offers. 

How do I contact customer support?

Please email with any questions.