Does OxiClean Effectively Sanitize And Disinfect Laundry? - Fabricare Center

Does OxiClean Effectively Sanitize And Disinfect Laundry?


Does OxiClean Effectively Sanitize And Disinfect Laundry

Everyone wants their laundry to be as clean and germ-free as possible, especially in times when health is a top priority. Finding the right product that can both sanitize and disinfect, removing stains and odors along the way, is crucial. OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer claims to do just that by killing 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. This article will explore how OxiClean stands up against these needs, offering a deep dive into its effectiveness for your laundry routine. Ready to find out if OxiClean is your laundry solution?

Key Takeaways

  • OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses on laundry and surfaces like bathroom tiles, carpets, and upholstery without bleach.
  • For cleaner clothes, add OxiClean according to the package instructions along with your regular detergent in the washing machine.
  • It is safe for many fabrics and offers a less harsh option compared to traditional bleach, protecting colored clothing while disinfecting effectively.
  • Users have shared positive feedback about its ability to remove stains and odors, although opinions on its sanitizing power vary compared to bleach products.
  • You can use OxiClean beyond laundry; it cleans floors, kitchen counters, and even tackles tough stains from wine spills or pet accidents around the house.

What is OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer?

OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer is a powerful cleaner that targets bacteria, viruses, and germs in laundry and around the house. It works on multiple surfaces, from clothes to carpets, killing pathogens and removing tough stains and odors.

Overview of the Product

OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer is a powerful 3-in-1 formula that tackles germs, odors, and stains. It’s designed for cleanup tasks throughout your home. This sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, ensuring a thorough clean wherever it’s used.

Approved by the EPA, its effectiveness against common household germs makes it a reliable choice for sanitizing needs.

Versatile in nature, this product goes beyond laundry; it cleanses couches, carpets, tiles, and more household surfaces. Its multi-purpose capability means you can disinfect various areas with just one product.

By eliminating odors and tackling tough stains while killing harmful germs, OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer serves as an essential tool for maintaining a clean home environment.

Multi-Purpose Uses

OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer goes beyond laundry; it shines as an all-purpose cleaning solution. This mighty cleaner tackles tough stains and odors on a variety of household surfaces, from bathroom tiles to carpets.

Its 3-in-1 formula not only eliminates germs but also cleans and freshens up your home, proving its worth as a versatile household sanitizer.

Transform every corner of your home with the powerful cleaning action of OxiClean.

With this multifunctional cleaning product, chores become easier because you have one solution for multiple messes. Whether you’re scrubbing down kitchen countertops or freshening up the living room upholstery, this effective germ and stain remover works wonders across the board, making it an essential tool in maintaining a clean and healthy living space.

Does OxiClean Effectively Sanitize and Disinfect Laundry?

Does OxiClean Effectively Sanitize and Disinfect Laundry

OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer claims to kill bacteria and viruses in laundry. Many users report that it removes odors and stains while sanitizing fabrics effectively.

How OxiClean Kills Bacteria and Viruses

OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, making it a powerful sanitizing agent for laundry and household surfaces. It does this without bleach, using oxygen-based agents to break down the structures of germs.

This process disrupts the growth and survival of harmful microbes, ensuring they can’t reproduce or cause illness.

Next, look into user experiences and reviews to understand how effective OxiClean is in real-world scenarios.

Comparison with Other Sanitizing Products

Comparing OxiClean with other sanitizing products reveals its unique effectiveness in disinfecting laundry. OxiClean, containing sodium percarbonate, kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, a critical aspect for proper laundry sanitation. Alternatives like bleach also offer strong disinfecting properties but come with harsher chemicals and potential for color damage. The comparison highlights OxiClean’s balanced approach to both cleaning and disinfecting, providing a safer option for a wide range of fabrics.

ProductDisinfecting AbilitySafe for ColorsChemical Harshness
OxiCleanKills 99.9% of bacteria and virusesYesModerate
BleachHighly effectiveNoHigh
Other Laundry BoostersVariesMostly yesLow to Moderate

This table summarizes the key differences between OxiClean and its competitors, showcasing its role as a reliable and fabric-friendly sanitizer for laundry and home use.

How to Use OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer

For clean and germ-free clothes, add OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer to your wash following the label instructions. It also works wonders on carpets, upholstery, and bathroom tiles with specific directions for each.

Proper Directions for Laundry

Using OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer in your laundry routine is easy and efficient. It helps remove tough stains and disinfects your clothes, making it a great bleach alternative.

  1. Check the label on your clothing to ensure it’s machine washable.
  2. Add your regular detergent to the wash cycle.
  3. Pour OxiClean directly into the drum or use the dispenser if your machine has one. For large loads, use more OxiClean as instructed on the package.
  4. Place your clothes in the washing machine. Do not overload; this ensures all items get thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.
  5. Choose a warm water setting for optimal sanitization, unless the garment label says otherwise.
  6. Start the wash cycle and wait for it to complete.
  7. For extra tough stains, soak stained clothing in a solution of OxiClean and water for up to 6 hours before washing. Follow package instructions for proper dosing amounts based on water volume.
  8. After soaking, run a normal wash cycle with an added dose of OxiClean for maximum stain removal and disinfection.

Following these steps will help ensure that your laundry comes out clean, sanitized, and free of tough stains.

Other Household Uses (bathroom tile, carpet, etc.)

OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer proves its versatility beyond the laundry room. It tackles a wide range of household cleaning tasks with ease.

  1. Bathroom Tile: OxiClean effectively sanitizes and disinfects bathroom tiles, killing 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. Its powerful formula removes stains, making tiles look new.
  2. Carpet: This multipurpose cleaner works wonders on carpets, eliminating odors and lifting away stains without damaging the fabric.
  3. Upholstery: Safe for use on most upholstery fabrics, OxiClean dissolves messes and odors, refreshing your furniture.
  4. Floors: Whether tile, vinyl, or hardwood, OxiClean safely cleans floors, leaving them spotless and sanitized without harmful residues.
  5. Surface Cleaner: It acts as an excellent surface cleaner for kitchen counters and dining tables, ensuring they are free from germs.
  6. Stain Remover: From wine spills to pet accidents, OxiClean removes tough stains across various surfaces.
  7. Odor Eliminator: It eliminates unpleasant smells from trash cans, diaper pails, and other smelly spots around the house.

Each use showcases OxiClean’s ability to handle more than just laundry, providing a comprehensive cleaning solution for the entire home.


This article shows that OxiClean Laundry & Home Sanitizer is a strong choice for keeping laundry clean and safe. It kills 99.9% of germs and works on many surfaces. People enjoy using it because it’s effective and easy to use with clear instructions.

Comparing it to other products, its ability to remove stains, odors, and germs stands out. For those wanting to avoid traditional bleach, this offers a versatile alternative. Taking steps toward cleaner laundry today can lead to healthier living spaces tomorrow.


1. Can OxiClean sanitize my laundry?

Yes, OxiClean can help sanitize your laundry by removing bacteria.

2. Does OxiClean disinfect clothes?

No, OxiClean is not a disinfectant and does not kill viruses or germs like a disinfectant would.

3. How do I use OxiClean to get the best sanitizing results?

Use it with hot water and follow the package instructions for the correct amount of product.

4. Can I mix OxiClean with bleach to make my laundry more sanitized?

No, you should never mix OxiClean with bleach as it’s dangerous and can create harmful gases.

5. Is it safe to use OxiClean on all types of fabrics?

Check clothing labels first but generally, it is safe for most colorfast fabrics.